Jay T. Simonds, PG
Jay is classically trained in geology and earned a Bachelors degree in geology with subdisciplines of invertebrate paleontology, sedimentology and stratigraphy. Jay also earned a minor in Philosophy and completed his Senior Independent Study project entitled: The Paleoecology of Stromatoporids and Tabulate Corals from the La Vieille Formation, Silurian, Southern Gaspé Peninsula, Québec, Canada.
Jay has professional specialties in contaminant hydrogeology, and glacial geology. Jay also served in the Army National Guard as a Combat Engineer and M-60 Tanker. He held expert ratings in rifle and handgun marksmanship and grenades. His military experience included high explosive training and deployment, road and bridge construction, clearing and grubbing of road easements, quarry drilling and operations in Honduras, and operation and maintenance of heavy-duty equipment including the M-60 main battle tank.
Jay has over 30 years of professional experience in the geo-environmental industry as an entrepreneur and licensed professional geologist specializing in the assessment and remediation of contaminated properties, environmental due diligence, operation and maintenance of contaminant remediation systems, groundwater and soil testing, field operations, and drilling. He has managed projects in 26 different states for a variety of clients including Federal, state, and local governments, major oil companies, and industrial facilities. His managerial responsibilities include Health and Safety program implementation, budget development, technical management, business risk management, personnel management, subcontractor development, and technical report review.
Jay’s personal interests and activities include: camping, motorcycling, cooking and BBQing, woodworking, home remodeling, and listening to music. Typically, he has anywhere from two to five dogs (Australian Shepherds) at his house with his wife Laura and occasionally enjoys debunking climate “science” for his friends and colleagues over a Guinness beer. Kernels of Truth was born out of Jay’s education and personal experiences that spurred questioning foundational education concepts and manmade/natural environments.